Thursday, December 20, 2007

4 Ways To Skyrocket Your Opt In Rate And Build Your On-line Business

If you are not building an opt-in list on your website you are losing money - period. Having a list is the most important aspect of website marketing as it gets your prospect into your marketing funnel…and that utlimately means a higher bottom line. But how do you improve your opt-in rate with clients…

1. Sell the benefits not the features.

Your prospect is giving you permission to send them information to their email account and they want to know WIIFM or “What is in it for me?”. You need to carefully structure your opt-in box so that it is easily identified and filled out.
List the benefits of the information that they will receive, how quickly they will receive it and list some testimonials from happy customers about the quality of your information. You have to sell this to your prospect if you want to have any hope of getting them to sign up for an optin-list.
For example, “In just 30 seconds time you too could find out the 7 deadly mistakes first home buyers make and how to avoid them. ”

2. Experiment with pop-ups.

Many people hate pop-ups but they can be an effective opt-in strategy as either a pop-up on entry or a pop-under on exit. I recommend testing and measuring the effectiveness of the pop up on your site.
On some of my sites they have increased the subscriber rate yet on others the opposite has occurred. Remember to test and measure everything to establish what works, what doesn’t and what gives you the best ROI.

3. Have a strict, easily visible, no spam policy.

Customers want to know that their details are safe and that they aren’t going to receive spam from you. Write in the opt-in box that you “hate spam as much as you do and you can easily unsubscribe if you don’t like the service”.
If they do unsubscribe make sure that you remove their details from your database. Most quality email marketing systems will do this automatically (like 1 shopping cart and Aweber).
This provides a safe opportunity for prospects to explore and learn about you and also leave if they dislike the information.

4. Place your opt-in form on your sales page.

This should go about half way down so they can opt-in for a free report and they are “in the system”. In doing so you have identified a qualified lead, one which is more likely to buy from you.
By employing proven opt-in tactics you will be able to skyrocket your opt-in rate and build your business with a larger client base

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