Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Cool Thing About Internet Small Business

And here is the cool thing about being in an Internet small business, your competition, you can see exactly what they are doing all the time, any time you want to see what they are doing you just look. Like I said before, once the competition clicks on your ads in pay per click just to see your ad, but they want to click on it more to see what you are doing on your landing page and your lead capture page. They look to see if they need to get an edge on you or create something a little different for themselves, because you just changed what you are doing. It always pushes people forward and makes you a better person. That is how people become such good marketers because of competition. Some people would not be that good today if there was no competition. It forces you to try new things all the time, forces you to learn new things, get more courses, learn more from their mentors. Many people pay tremendous amounts of money to their mentors to learn all the different things that make them successful. The mentor is a millionaire or a billionaire today, but you learn from them all the different tactics that can make you a millionaire or a billionaire today. It should be part of your success philosophy in any industry you want to learn something in, just find the cream of the crop in that industry, who you perceive that gives you great value as being the cream of the crop, and pay them what they want and learn everything you can from them. It will make you who you are, so other myths that are out there that you hear, I just talked about one myth now, but there are lots of myths out there. One of the myths out there is about making sales at a certain time or to recruit or sponsor, whatever you want to call it, that is a myth too. We can prove that wrong numerous times, it is just a myth. We have told people that we continue on with business as usual and why the people that believe that myth in their head, you are out there capitalizing and making the sales that they could not make. The same thing in the months of December and November, same thing, we can debunk that myth too. The only industry that I have found so far that in the months of November and December that are absolutely slow and not worth doing business in was in the real estate industry. Other than that, we have not found any other things that we have done on and off line that is affected by the time of year. As a matter, of fact we have seen companies break sales records all year round just in December. We have done many sales in November and December, even right on the holiday, it does not matter, right on Christmas Day, does not matter. So whenever you hear somebody say something that is potentially - - I mean they are not going to come out and say it is a myth, they are just going to say it is, instead of just believing it is a fact, either go get the facts, or prove it wrong, or ask them how or what proof they have. I want solid proof. And even if they do give you solid proof, try it yourself. There are a lot of things that are lost in the world just because a person believes what they hear. Same thing in politics and other areas and that is because people do not look into the different areas and the actual facts. So do your own research and be thorough about it. Here is something to think about. How does someone make so many sales when other people are talking about how saturated a field is?

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