Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Emotional Cash Flow Killers - Avoiding Negative Emotions That Influence Business Success by Mark Evants

One of the main requirements of business is cash flow. It is the life blood of any business. Good intentions are great, but if you don't make any money the business will not exist for long. Therefore, learning to deal with negative emotions encountered in the business world is one of the best skills a leader can have.

Our emotions are a major factor in influencing business cash flow. How? If the person leading the business becomes heavily influenced by fear, intimidation, anxiety, or a multitude of other emotions, that leader can begin to make poor decisions. Poor decisions lead to a host of problems which eventually connect to the cash flow and productivity of the business.

Here are some of the most damaging emotions encountered by business leaders:

1 - Fear. Fear can cause a person to avoid dealing with the most important problems. Often, these most important problems hold the key to the business going forward and increasing productivity and cash flow. Fear wants to move the person away from finding the solution because of emotional pain that may be encountered in fixing the situation. The result: You sacrifice long term gain from solving the problem for the short term gain of avoiding the emotional pain of dealing with the situation.

2 - Discouragement. Discouragement can manifest in business setbacks from the state of the economy, decline of sales, losing key employees, etc. It is perhaps the most common emotion business leaders deal with. Discouragement tries to speak to the leader and declare the effort of leading the company is not worth it. You must confront this emotion by re-examining the vision for why you are doing what you do. Meditate on the reward which will come with the success of your leadership in the company.

3 - Anxiety. Anxiety has to do more with the stress related to dealing with all the problems. There seems to be seasons where anxiety is worse than other times. It is important you deal with the stress. Stress has a way of moving from the emotional to the physical part of the leader's life. Sometimes a break from the daily action is the best thing you can do for yourself. Stepping away from your daily schedule often brings a new perspective to find solutions to situations.

Effectively dealing with emotional difficulties enhances your ability to succeed. If you are dealing with an upsurge of negative emotions in your business leadership, why not take time today to evaluate what is going on? It may be the most productive thing you do this week. And, you may get the solution you have been looking for to take your business forward.

Mark Evants manages a profitable vending company of 2,200 machines in the mid west. For more extremely practical vending tips and articles on increasing cash flow and structuring your vending business visit:

http://www.vendingarticles.net - Tips and Articles for PROFITABLE Vending!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Evants

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