Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to Make Business Partnerships That Work by Chris Simpson

Building a business partnership can be an excellent idea; however, it is important that you make sure that you make business partnerships that work. Whether it is a short term venture or a long time commitment, it is important that you learn how to make it work. Here are a few great tips that will help you make sure that you start out right and keep up a partnership that will work well.

Tip #1 - Have a Mission and Vision that is Shared - Any business should have a mission and a vision, and if you are entering in a partnership and you want to make sure that it works, you will need to make sure that you both have a mission and vision that you come up with together and agree on. Discuss the mission and vision together and decide on a purpose for your partnership. Write down the mission and the vision for the partnership. It will help you as you go along and serve as a reference for all that goes on within the partnership.

Tip #2 - Discuss Expectations and Needs - People enter into partnerships for a variety of different reasons. Some want connections, others need expertise, and some want capital. However, it is important that you know the expectations of each other as well as their needs so you don't end up with a strained relationship. Decide on this before you sign a contract so you are aware of everything that your partner is expecting from your partnership.

Tip #3 - Use Your Partners Strengths - Within a partnership, it is going to work best if you identify the strengths of you and your partner and the use those strengths. There are obvious strengths that you will find and it is important that you don't overlook them. You want to make sure that you use strengths that will help you both become more successful. This will also help to motivate each of you as well.

Tip #4 - Understand Limitations - There are always going to be limitations on the part of each partner. You need to understand this and your partner needs to understand your limitations as well. When one partner has limitations, you need to identify and accept them before they become a problem. Also, these limitations can be supported by the other partner so that there are not gaps within the business.

Tip #5 - Set Goals - If you want to have a business partnership that really works, then you need to both set goals and strive for them. Have individual goals, but make sure that these goals will support the goals of the entire company. Make sure that you take a look at these goals together and then follow how well you actually achieve them.

Chris Simpson is dedicated to helping people find honest and legitimate work from home and home based business opportunities. Find legitimate work from home opportunities today at: http://www.HomeNetPro.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Simpson

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